I need a bit more advice on this topic. I disconnected the WFCO charger and wired an extension cord end to the 120 volt side of the distribution panel. The converter shares a 15 amp breaker with the refrigerator. I used the same breaker for the new converter. I cut a hole in the panel and mounted the PD 9100 under the refrigerator and will plug the power cable to the WFCO 120v extension cord plug. The idea was to run the charger battery cables a short distance to the batteries. I have 3’ #2 cables for this. The wires from the new converter are run back to the DC side in the distribution box. This is the same way the old converter was connected.
My question is about attaching a wire set from the PD 9100 directly to the batteries and another set to the DC distribution panel at the same time. Does the existing distribution panel still have wires to the batteries that would have be used for charging?

I would be using both terminals from the Pd9100

The positive wire to the DC board from the batteries appears to be this wire on the breaker.
Labeled triangle 4-J. I believe this is the black positive on the bottom of the DC board.

The confusing part for me is the original converter had just one set of wires to the dc board and it’s not clear to me how the batteries were attached to charge.
Hope someone can clear this up for me. Tell me if the two sets of wires are correct.