- Among it's duties, the charger has to cater to the -health- of the battery
- What confuses a lot of people is they have no idea of the capacity percentage loss of their AGM over time and if they do not exercise it to the point where amp hours count, they assssssume their AGM's are perrrrrfect
- The total kWh hours transacted lifespan can have an additional integer inserted that deals with the cost of recharging the battery over its lifespan
- Revelation of total cost including purchase
- Convenience of AGM is subjective subject, such as higher CCA and no "messy" maintenance
- This has to be balanced by the customer to arrive at a "Is it worth twice the price resolving of purchase"
- Higher charge receptivity is not free of glitches. Bigger charger needed, bigger generator, shorter run time. Owner (a) cannot decide owner (b) advantages and disadvantages of AGM versus Flooded without doing an analysis of the whole picture
- I've met trout fishermen who preferred to fly fish a sterile section of a stream because "The Water Was Perfect and there were no mosquitoes"
- Choosing and arm twisting for someone else is a dangerous occupation.
Thanks for answering the call of my PM, gramps, but...
Any thoughts on my post regarding the different operating voltages of AGMs and how that might effect one's perception of charging performance and such?