KendallP wrote:
ah64id wrote:
It doesn't match my mfgr data, I think I'll stick to what the manufacturer put out.
The manufacturer is Concorde. Lifeline points this out here. And Concorde has a different figure for their batteries that also match everything else I've read on AGM SOC voltage figures. So I was simply applying the preponderance-of-evidence rule on this one here.
You may be right, though. Not worth arguing over for me. Your batteries, your experiment.
Looking at the Concorde page they do not make a RV labeled AGM, just aircraft. Aircraft batteries seem to on different standard, just like everything aviation related.
The link on the Concorde page for RV batteries takes you right to the Lifeline page, I highly doubt the published data is suspect.
Hard to say, but I'll trust it for now.
KendallP wrote:
And it may be possible to eventually get to 100% at voltages below 15. Some folks say no. I tend to think yes... maybe... but I like to get them into the 15s before I put 'em to bed. However, this requires disconnection from the coach.
I fully feel that they can get to 100% without getting to 15v, but it fully depends on the battery temperature.