Forum Discussion

BFL13's avatar
Explorer II
Jun 02, 2022

PerryB67 and Si02s

Ok, back from another camping episode and proving out my battery bank of 200AH of SiO2s in the TC. Nothing new to report except forget that whole thing about using the MW to heat water for instant coffee! Not hot enough, back to kettle.

Meanwhile, we need the missing input from PerryB67. So let's hear it.

3 tons and PT are not allowed to post to this new thread!!!!!!
  • We’re trying to get ready to leave for Amsterdam next Tuesday. We carry higher end folding bikes and will be Rick Steves traveling with the bikes on trains and buses. We’ve also been slammed with other items that need attention before leaving. We arrive back towards the end of August. Currently I don’t have the time to write our battery experiences.

    Needless to say I wouldn’t waste my time and/or money with lithium, and have changed my opinion about solar and batteries, but you’ll just have to wait to hear my logic.

    Talk the end of August or beginning of September.


  • 3_tons's avatar
    Explorer III
    “3 tons and PT are not allowed to post to this new thread!!!!!!”

    Awe Shucks, what about reciprocity?? - lol!!

    But seriously (forgive this intrusion!) I’m truly open to all formats and rarely comment on SiO2’s (except to learn…), but trust they are worthy of their reputation and enjoy many satisfied users, especially during coldest of weather - down here in desert & brush country (based on one’s needs) it’s more just a matter of settling in on the best compromise for the job :) I do get that this is everyone’s shared common pursuit!!

    3 tons
  • I think that they will be sure to chime in now.