Everything else aside, a MPPT controller will get you more out of your panels than a PWM controller. At some point and time you have to look at how much more vs the additional cost and decide if it is practical. The MPPT controller in the Eco-worthy kit sells for 2 to 3 times as much as the PWM controllers, it wont get you 2 or 3 times the power.
Almot is right in that some of the components in the kits will not be right for your needs. Unless you have to have it tomorrow, I suggest you spend the time to get a basic understanding so that you at least know what you are getting in the kits. Once you spend a few days reading you wont need the kit. You will be able to say I want that panel, that wire, this controller.... you will be filling your needs with gear that will work for you.
There is a ton of info on this forum and the people are happy to help. There are solar forums but they don't deal in RVs nearly as much. We all take different paths as we all have different needs, budgets and situations. We may not always agree but no one is right or wrong as long as their needs are being met.