Yeah. What Jim said - you pay more for Eco MPPT, but you won't get significantly more energy with that particular kit. 200w is still 200W. And, as features go, Eco MPPT is about same basic as the PWM controller in another 200W kit. MPPT becomes a necessity when you use 24V panel(s), but with 2*12V panels you can go with PWM same well.
Maximize the panel wattage - with 2*12V in parallel and AWG 10 wire your limit is 260-280W, let other people run the numbers.
Get MC4 AWG 10 cable of the right length, and PWM controller with the right amps and right features. Adjustable setpoints is a must. Remote temperature compensation is highly recommended. Remote display you can live without.
Mounting brackets you'll probably have to make yourself.