smyke wrote:
Thats just it. I thought I read plenty about it and figured the WindyNation kit will take care of my needs. I do realize that Z mounting brackets are not that good, but all the other components seem to be OK. Charger is Solar30 which few people on here like and the MC4 wires can be upgraded to 10AWG for $9.
I do not need to have it tomorrow although I was hoping to have it installed by the time we go out for the first time this year (Memorial Day).
I will keep looking and researching because I do want the best bang for my buck.
Feel free to share any suggestions/links.
And as always, thank you for taking time to help me out.
I have found that the best pricing for windynation is at there ebay store. A solar30 can be picked up for 30ish if you hunt on ebay. Just be warned that the solar30 has one voltage setting and you will need to set it from a charging voltage to a float voltage as needed.( I didn't go with this controller for this and other reasons) I agree that the mounting brackets are to wimpy. I used 3/16 X 3" X 5" aliuminum. (Yes overkill) Using two pieces the panels are 5" off the roof to keep the panels cooler and the roof cooler (panels have voltage drop due to heating) And if it drops enough you may not be able to EQ or top charge when you want. You talked of adding panels in the future. Be mindfull of how you wire. I would recommend that you wire with future upgrade in mind. ( Do it once ) keep your voltage drop below 1% ( This is more important with PWM) Good luck with your build!