The Eco-w will ask you if the battery is 12v or 24v as soon as you connect. By default it is 12v and you will push enter. It will ask if you are sure, you will confirm and then you are ready to connect the panel. After that the Eco-w will convert the voltage of the 24v panel down to 12v using the excess voltage to create extra amps as it does.
Mono vs poly.
I'm not the Consumer reports of the solar world but I have had two different mono panels and two different poly. In my older panels, a 220w mono and a 230w poly, the poly crushed the mono in both bright and low light. With the year old 245w mono vs the brand new 250w poly, they are much closer in bright light with the poly being just a half a amp better. In light overcast light the mono drops from 17a to 2.38a while the poly drops according to how thick the cloud cover is. The poly will be producing usable amps long after the mono stops producing enough to keep the controller awake.
The only other bit I have is a discussion with one of the owners of Navajo solar. I asked why they went poly and he said because poly crystals were cheaper to produce. I started to say I went poly because as soon as a cloud came by, he finished my sentence by saying the mono output drops like a rock. So it isn't just me.