The amps from a 250w panel will not overwhelm a 90AH battery so that's ok.
The Eco-Worthy has two settings you need to pick. Your initial voltage that gets the batteries up to Absorption and then your Float voltage--BUT for the Eco-Worthy "Float" happens right away after the batteries get to the Absorption voltage, so think of your Float setting as also being your absorption voltage.
If your AGM does want a lower voltage than that for Float then you will have to adjust the Eco-Worthy Float setting later in the day after it has been saying "Float" on its display at your higher setting you chose for absorption. It may be that the AGM wants 13.8v for the whole thing and you don't have to change anything during the day. Depends.
AGMs have particular specs for each stage. AGMs differ by brand for their specs and also differ from Wet batts. There is no one size fits all "AGM setting" it seems.
When your charger says "AGM" for battery type all that really means is they knock a bit off each voltage setting that they use for "Wet" because many AGMs prefer a lower charging voltage than many Wets do. However your particular AGM might prefer something else. So look up the exact specs for the exact AGM you have and use that.