I have to agree that the problem is the toilet, not the WH or the pressure, or a lack of an accumulator tank. I've been RVing for more than 30 years, owned 3 different RV's (and grew up camping in several more prior to buying my own). I also camp regularly with at least 3-5 others. None of them used an accumulator tank, and in EVERY case of a water leak, it was a "LEAK", not a pressure or air pocket or WH problem. An accumulator tank is a nice add-on to smooth flow, add some small water use without the pump waking your wife up when using the toilet at night, etc., but a leak is a LEAK, and leaks should be fixed. We all know of the major damage that a water leak can do to our rigs. Covering one up with an accumulator tank is a bandaid that doesn't address the actual problem, and is a temporary fix at best; one that can and likely will lead to damage down the road.