Sounds as if all you folks are experts on this issue - thanks for the comments
The converter works with the battery connected, it was at 13.2 Volts the next day. The converter is a no name POS and my volt meter measures both DC and AC and even the ac content on top of the DC voltage (ever use a DVA? a common tool needed in most outboard engine repairs)
Bottom line the lamp assemblies are the problem the CHEAPEST junk I have ever seen. As Mex stated the manufacturer saved a few cents on each of them. 921 bulb rated at 17.9 watts w/ 12.8 VDC applied so maybe just less than 20 watts per bulb at 14.8 Volts then just shy of 40 watts (two bulbs) in a small plastic enclosure with cheap compression fit connectors you have a problem. The entire point of the post nothing more
Good quailty LEDs (with internal regulation) at least the ones I use in my rig easily handle 14.8 Vdc - no failures in three years while the MS TS MPPT 60 solar controller does it's thing.
Lets close this thread and move on to something more productive