To Mitch5252,
IMHO until you read an actual account of someone reliably using one of their recommendations with a generator exactly like yours, I recommend caution. This is just too expensive for "Aw Jeez It Shudda Worked".
Been there, done that, PD 9245 on a Eu1000i and a group 24, later a true deep cycle Trojan T-1275 150amp deep cycle battery. Amps fall off way too fast, and at 14.4V.
For dry camping in my Palomino Gazelle G-210, very similar to the need of the OP in size and amp usage, the MegaWatt 30 is superior, if all you want is to bulk charge quickly, and let solar panel do the topping off.
Until the OP does an energy consumption audit, all of this is moot, the capacity in amps of her battery is suspect, as is available space for more battery and being within tongue weight limits of their tow vehicle.
Do the energy consumption audit first with a clamp on amp meter, write it all down, start with a fully charged battery. measure base with everything off. Turn on propane and turn on fridge. Measure. Add lights. measure leave them on. Add in bathroom fan, measure. Add in heater, measure, add in TV, measure. By now, you should be pulling a hella lotta amps. Subtract amps for each appliance added in, and you'll know consumption by appliance. Get back to us, then we'll see what your 24 hour usage is.