Moving the slideout in and out is done by reversing the polarity of the power to the motor. That's what the 6 terminal switch does. Both positive and negative wires have to be reversed and jumpers on the switch do the reversal. Pressing the switch one way pushes the slide out and pressing it the other way brings it back in. If there's no control board, the motor is wired directly to the switch. The motor should run till the motor stalls in either direction. If you hold in switch in too long, you may end up melting the switch and ruining it. On my last motorhome, the switch was separated from the slideout motor by several feet of wire and I burned up a couple of switches because of the length of the wires. I finally made up a relay box that I installed right next to the slideout motor to overcome the drop through the wire. It solved the problem with the switch and slideout motor ran faster than ever. I never had to replace another switch because it was only handling the control wires and not the load wires.
Not sure if any of this might help but with no control board, your switch may be carry the load of the motor. You might try another switch to see if that fixes the problem. The load the slideout motor may be more than the switch is capable of handling.