RAS43 wrote:
Yikes! What is that, like $1.50 more per gallon? Glad I don't need it.
Maybe things are better for you up north, but the more oil drops, the higher the pump price. Woodland Park went from 2.79 down to 2.69, then as oil dropped into the 40s it shot up over 2.80. Costco in Colo Spgs was almost 2.70 that same day. If oil drops into the $30/bbl I may have to park everything!
I'm thinking the locals heard about the shortage in the midwest and saw that as as an excuse to squeeze the last dollar out of the vacationing public. Cheaper in NM, AZ and WY.
And while no one mentions this, our gas is 85 octane, so add another 15 cents to match most areas' 87 octane regular.