Forum Discussion

Dashonthedash's avatar
May 24, 2013

Problems related?

I have been having a problem with my lp detector going off, and it has recently become worse. At the same time, I have discovered that my hydraulic lines are bulging and leaking, a problem that is apparently common with these particular lines. My question here is, could these problems be related? I know that battery outgassing can cause the detector to go off (I recently upgraded my converter to address this possibility), but can the outgassing of the hydraulic lines or the smell of the fluid set it off?
  • Doesn't seem like it's been that long. I think the one I mentioned above was a 2010. FR took care of it even though it was out of warranty. Give them a call yourself, and send them your pics. It helps to have customer input with the manufacturer on issues like this. IIRC the orange lines retract the jacks and the rooms. Hope they take care of you.
  • Got it in January, 2011, so it is not under warranty, but still hoping FR will cover it since there have been so many problems with the orange lines.
  • Does your unit have the black and orange lines? and all the orange lines have blistered under the outer layer. Had one last fall about the same model year that I had to replace all the orange lines on it. Forest River replaced all the lines under warranty. After the customer called FR they agreed to replace all the lines. Seems there must have been a bad run of material. Didn't you just get this coach last fall? If so should still be under warranty.

    X2 on what Hitech said about the LP detector
  • Hydraulic fluid can interact with gas sensors. In the case in the link though an additive in it can poison the sensor and cause it to read low. So you are right in thinking they might interact in some way depending on the exact make up of the fluid. It does tend to be highly flammable which would indicate some aeromatics are there that could interact with the sensor.

  • Our LP detector in our old 1988 class A Champion was effected by the fluorescent light over the dinette. Never did figure out why just that light gave it fits. The ceiling lights didn't seem to bother it.

    So it could be something to do with your 12v stuff.
  • One of my hydraulic lines was bubbling also and I had a new one made at NAPA, it was 26 feet long 5000 PSI and they also put the fittings on each end. Cost $206. Works great so far. Good Luck.
  • I don't believe they are related. LP detectors have about a 5 year lifetime, could be your time is up. Hyd lines can be made up at any good hydraulic shop, google your area to find a shop. Take the lines off, marking them where the go and take the old ones with you and they can make new ones the same length with the proper fittings and a lot cheaper.