Forum Discussion

kptraveler's avatar
Mar 16, 2020

Propane Auto Changeover

I am installing a "Mr Heater", propane Auto Changeover Two -stage Regulator. I am replacing a manual change over valve. Is it necessary to have an addtional regulator in the line between the tank farthest away from the "Mr Heater" regulator?

The orginal system had a Model GR-630 GasFlow regulator installed in the line between the tank farthest from the valve.

The picture on the package does not show any additional regulators installed.
  • From the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1192 Standard on Recreational Vehicles;

    " Propane system pressure shall be regulated to a pressure of 30 psi (207 kpa) or less within 60 in. (1.5m) of the container outlet."

    Since the cross over pipe is usually longer than 60” the NFPA Standard requires the additional high pressure regulator valve.