More like dental work; pulling teeth.
Forum faux pas:
What is the difference between a 10lb weight and a 20lb weight?
A One is for strong people, one is for weak.
B. One floats
C. The 10lb is twice as heavy
D. Only use a 20lb weight since more is better.
E. they are made from non-recyclable plastic so you are a bad person if you use either
F. no, they are not plastic, but rather wood, so do not use it in the snow
G. You need to buy a 30lb weight, it is dumb to use the other two for 30lbs
I.My grandfather used to make his own shoes and they were heavy
J. can you show us a picture of the actual weights, I have never seen a weight so if I see your pic then I can answer all of your questions.
K. All of these answers are wrong, a weight is a unit of measure