I myself am VERY enthusiastic about 24v for the reasons mentioned. But for me it will have to wait not only until I get my 24v Victron, but until I get a new TT that will support 8 (eight) GC-2 "jars", for a total of 2 (two) 24V "batteries".
To me, there is a vulnerability in having only 4 GC-2 "jars" to make up only 1 24v "battery". If a single one of your GC-2 jars goes, you have lost your entire 24v battery. Since you're experiencing the equivilent of that right now with the loss of your inverter, I expect you're well-qualified to jusdge if you want to risk that again.
Alternatively, you could go with 24v jars, and get two of them. Downside is that they are a heeping helping of the Costly, and really won't last any longer (sorry Mena).