Forum Discussion

Battleship_Joe's avatar
Jan 20, 2015

Protection for RV Absorption refrigerators.

I just finished installing this controller add-On. It protects the internal tubing of your Absorption Refrigerator. We all know not to run the fridge off level, but who among us is always turning it off when we stop for a quick lunch by the side of the road, or when going over long mountain passes.
Every time the boiler overheats, it causes rusting throughout the system. Eventually, it clogs or leaks. Some people are lucky and do not have the refrigerator die, but when it happens, it's big bucks. I'd rather put the money into the gas tank and travel.
Easy to install, and peace of mind are the benefits of this design. Norcold's update only addresses the overheating that creates a fire condition, it does not protect the internal tubing from a short life.
You can read all about the design and benefits at It sold me.:B
  • Advertisements are easy to spot.

    a) impersonal writing style
    b) first-time posters
    c) a question is not asked (well, he 'sorta' asked one)
    d) the grammar is good and words are not misspelled
    e) a website is always shown.
  • Gjac wrote:
    Can't the same thing be accomplished by putting a lower temp sensor (same temp as the ARP) into the Norcold fix? Maybe Joe can explain why or why not?

    The Norcold fix is a one shot affair, at a much higher temperature- the ARP control has some intelligence- it doesn't have a simple, single temperature it trips at, the temperature will change while it is going through the "re-tries".
  • EsoxLucius wrote:
    doughere wrote:
    A. This is not a post, it is an ADVERTISEMENT and should be removed.

    B. I don't think the cost justifies the possible benefit.

    Looks more like a review than an advertisement to me.

    I've installed the unit as well, good investment.

    I agree, an excellent product. It much more finely controls cooling unit temperatures and prevents the tube clogging (precipitation) that kills so many cooling units.

    BTW, the OP is certainly not the inventor/company owner-- his home state is several thousand miles from that of the OP.
  • Another endorsement - I Love it!
    If you have the version with data logging it's even better
    Graphed loads of thermal cycles and can easily see what's happening with the heating system under lots of different circumstances
  • Lots of locations (rallies, etc.) listed on the web site to check it out first-hand, ask questions, etc.
    From "Q" to FMC, GS, Escapees.

    Maybe one of the nay-sayers will attend and report back after attending one of the above...:W

  • Dtank wrote:
    Lots of locations (rallies, etc.) listed on the web site to check it out first-hand, ask questions, etc.
    From "Q" to FMC, GS, Escapees.

    Maybe one of the nay-sayers will attend and report back after attending one of the above...:W


    I did attend one-- At the FMCA Convention in Redmond last summer. I started out on the skeptical side (that is just me with new products). The inventor was clearly an engineer-- no polished presentation. But a physics demonstration during his presentation.

    Had his computer (projected on screen)recording boiler temperatures on an absorption cooling unit at the front of the room. He then took it from level (nice reasonable boiler temperatures) to 3 degrees out of level and continued his presentation. We all watched as the boiler temperatures rose rapidly. Then the ARP unit cut off the burner before extreme temperature was reached and as the presentation moved on, restarted the burner.

    Hope his presentation does not stray too from from "here are the facts-- just watch the screen".
  • I wish you soothsayers that can immediately spot advertisements, sock-puppets, and other forum nonsense would give me some winning powerball numbers.

  • NRALIFR wrote:
    I wish you soothsayers that can immediately spot advertisements, sock-puppets, and other forum nonsense would give me some winning powerball numbers.
    Can't do that, but I do keep records of posters I suspect. I'm batting about 900.