kmb1966 wrote:
I have a question on this: How do you wire up the internal fans? The blue wire provides the power(12volt) but how did you ground it? I grounded mine to the black wire on the light, but I am concerned that I may have done this incorrectly. Since I did this, ironically, the thermistor is reading erratically at times. I changed the thermistor but it still is reading odd. It may have nothing to do with the fan install, but it is odd that this behavior with the thermistor began when I connected up the internal fans. I plan to disconnect the internal fans and see if the problem persists.
The problem I am experiencing is the thermistor after a few days will read very low (11 degrees) even though it is 50 in the frig, and therefore the cooling unit not being triggered to come on and cool the frig. Happens after a few days of running. Like I said, it may have nothing to do with this ARP device, but it is a strange situation. How did you wire up the internal fans on your install?
I use the fan output (12 volt +)from the ARP for both my external and internal fans. It is just a 12 volt positive output. The ground is the same. This allows my internal fans to only run when the external fans are required. Not sure this is the best approach but seems to work well.