I've have 2 EU2000s with a parallel kit, used a EU3000, and have an EU6500is. My take on it is:
- the 2000s can be moved easier.
- the 2000s can use an extended run tank.
- Unless you build a box to monitor amps for each, are you under the rated load for each? Most folks say "it will run..." but are you at or under the rated load to not hurt the generator.
- the 2000's are the easiest to steal.
- the 3000 and 6500 are electric start.
- the 3000 is the quietest.
- the 3000 will power most AC units - but not much else along with it.
- the 6500 is the next quietest.
- the 6500 can provide the full amount of power at 120V OR will do 120/240. Most 240 gen sets can only provide half the rated load for any 120 outlet. (ask more if you don't understand).
- The EU6500is is a pain to gas up. Why did they put the fill in the middle of the tank!?!?
- The eu6500 has a fairly small tank 4.22 gal for the new ones thanks to them being CARB compliant.
- If you get the 6500 - get the lift kit then you can use an engine lift, bucket, etc to move it around.
- the 6500 has a real hour and load meter built in.
- I use the 6500 to power the house via a transfer switch - never a problem.
- Can add an extended run to the 6500 but it is more than just a cap and tank (I've yet to do this but plan on it).
- no 2 normal people will walk away with the 6500.
If I had it to do over again - I would have bought the EU6500 and not the 2000s. I'll be selling 1 of the 2000s and keeping one for now and maybe selling it too. Not sure yet.