May 26, 2015Explorer
I was trolling Best Converter and ran across a 9200C series doing bulk at 14.8v. Seems only in 45A for now.
Fifteen minutes is about right...
For a Flashlight battery...
Yes, they drop to absorption voltage (which they have set as less than what they get the batts to at the end of the bulk stage) but it is not 15 minutes.
They do at least 15 minutes, then go on to get the batts up to 14.6ish however long that takes. But that will still be when the batts are between 70-90% SOC depending on the charging rate.
So in order to get the desired entire Absorption Stage done at the full voltage of 14.x (you pick the voltage you like), you need the adjustable voltage model PowerMax and not the regular model PowerMax or else some other adjustable voltage charger.
The nearest you can get to that with a regular converter is the PD with Charge Wizard, which gives you the 14.4 voltage for absorption ok, (unless you want 14.8!) but at the "cost" of lower amps in the bulk stage, so longer generator times.