Janss - Get a Watts adjustable regulator. I had a regulator that wore out and did not know it. Caused thousands of dollars in damage. The Watts one I have also solved the flow issue. It has lots of flow. Before I bought the Watts I bought a Valerta adjustable. The pressure gauge stopped working on it soon after I bought it. Valerta sent me a replacement gauge but it was the wrong one. So I just wanted the best regulator I could find and it is the Watts.
The excess pressure problem cause a LOT of damage. Plus it was a royal PIA. I had it fixed once and then another leak popped up as we were driving across a long highway bridge and flooded the floor. Several floodings caused a minor delam on one of the walls. Most of these regulators have springs in them that wear out over time. Another way to get around the problem is to just always use the tank water. We have a high flow pump and that puts out a lot of flow and pressure.