BFL13 wrote:
Yes, plug the leak and that's it. This guy says in his ad the camper had a leak.
I paid $2500 for the one in my sig. He was asking way more, but I kept on about previous leaks you could tell even though he had fixed all that.
Worst thing about old but fixed leaks is soft wood in the corners where the jacks are attached. The 11 ft 1981 camper we had a few years ago had the front jacks tear away and it fell nose down. I did not get killed. I managed to repair all that myself. Got $2300 for it late 2017
This 1991 camper we have now has one front jack starting to come away but I was onto that real quick, being gun-shy from the last time. :( So I was right to be worried about old but fixed leaks. Good thing I can do those kinds of repair myself.
My biggest worry when selling the old camper (and the 5er we had too) was clueless buyers who only had half ton trucks and didn't seem like they knew how to fix anything. Just take their money or try to educate them?
"Never give a sucker an even break" doesn't work for me. As it was, the buyers who did take them had some idea plus friends with repair skills, so it worked out well.
Hope you weren't fast asleep in it when it went over! Yikes!
Everything feels pretty solid. But one never honestly knows until you take her clothes off with the lights on.... ;):W
That guys listing is about how I was gonna put it. And ours is the same vintage. 96' Okanagan, 10.5', N/S queen, wet bath. 3 way fridge, stove/oven, Atwood jacks, Trojan group 31, after market charger/converter. It's a very nicely laid out camper with tons of storage. And a great DIY as things could be picked away at over time and still use it in between. Might list it with the truck as a package if someone wants.
I just want to be honest with people, so I think I'll just repair the leaky spot and give her a good bath. I've given up on people long ago. They're gonna do what they're gonna do. But I will list it as a 3/4 ton minimum if for only saving my time being wasted.
If we didn't have the money and did have the time, I'd strip it naked and redo it. But we're pretty set on a new N.L 10.2 and a new F350 7.3 C.C./ LB/ dually. Only problem being There aren't any trucks of that build on the island to take for a test drive. And not much in the way of places to get a Northern Lite 10.2 dry bath. Thinking of going over to the factory to have a look at them. Just wish you could order direct.
And with the new camper, we'll get a barn built to store it in. I'm done farting around with tarps that only last a year or two and are a constant PITA to keep in place. Plus it will greatly reduce UV and weather damage, keeping it in good shape if/when we resell, which wouldn't likely be for a long time.
Got some Dicor from Tom's so will clean and patch tomorrow. Will used the heat gun to warm it up a bit, if needed.
Thanks again for posting.