Phil & Stephie wrote:
Wasn't aware that silicone might cause some problems. Excuse me for not knowing, but what is wrong using silicone as a sealant?
Silicone is problematic at best.
It often sticks where you don't want it to and where you want it to stick it flat out doesn't stick :M causing lots of unseen leaks.
Silicon has another "issue", removal. While you might be able to remove the "rubber" part of silicone caulking it is near impossible to remove the silicone residue left over. This residue makes adhesion of other caulking or even paint spotty at best if you fail to remove it.
On edit.. I should also mention another pitfall of silicone, it doesn't stick to its self once hardened. In other words you can not apply more silicone over top old silicone. The new layer will never stick...
If you have ever had the "joy" of painting an automobile which had "wax" which had silicone as a ingredient (Turtle wax was famous for this) you would understand the shear frustration of getting the paint to "flow" without getting "fish eyes" (looks like little holes in the paint due to silicone).
For RVs there are PLENTY of non silicone caulking which is far superior and does not have bad side effects of silicone..
On edit.. one of the other pitfalls of silicone caulking is silicone won't stick to its self. In other words new silicone put on top of old silicone will not stick..