Forum Discussion

TriBeard's avatar
Aug 24, 2020

Remove Stock 40w Panel Before adding?

So I just got an Arctic Fox 811, and I'm adding 2 x 100 solar panels to the unit to help us with boondocking. The camper came with a zamp solar 40w panel already on the roof, and a zamp solar 30a pwm controller already installed.

On the roof, there are two SAE plugs (inverted wires because of being "zamp ready") and my plan was to wire my two panels together in parallel on one of the plugs, leaving the 40w factory panel plugged into the other one as it came originally. Then I got to thinking, I'm not sure if that's the best plan. Will having that one other panel, presumably also wired in parallel with the larger panels (not sure how they wire it up from the factory) cut down my output? Should I just disconnect it and use the 2 100w panels?