I've used Motsenbocker's and also, 3M Caulk remover with good success. I had a terrible mess on my aluminum roof, 40 years of previous owners trying to seal leaks (mostly from under the aluminum trim edge).
I found the best way to use these products is to mechanically remove as much caulk as possible without blemishing the surface. Then apply the removal product to the caulk remaining and cover with plastic wrap so the remover remained liquid and didn't evaporate. I typically left the remover on for a few hours but letting soak overnight worked the best. After a night of soaking, most of any remnants came off with a wipe or tug. Finally, I used a rag soaked with mineral spirits to remove any remaining film.
The roof trim was eventually covered with Eternabond tapes and the siding joints filled with Geocel Tripolymer caulk (similar to Geocel Proflex). I haven't had a leak in years and the Geocel Tripolymer remains sound and bonded. If I had applied more silicone based caulk, I would be peeling and replacing constantly.