The industry had a cow when alternators were first introduced. AC Delco tried to soothe the outraged by calling them AC generators then generators.
I look at it this way. Call it a DC generator and it had better have a commutator and regulator cutout. Call it an AC generator and it will be for house current. Call something an alternator and it will have diodes (rectifiers). When I walked into an 11.02 megawatt plant a month ago the gizmos that produce 5,200 volt electric power are referred to as "generators". The industry wised up and labelled the new hand carried units "Inverter Generators" and that is exactly what they are.
As far as THE ORIGINAL POSTER'S question. IMHO I give it thumbs up. A system has to start somewhere, and this is as good as any. Like experience, it takes time but in the end everything will fit, if even for a couple of years. The process is called "growing in to". My most humble ownself uses it quite often.