In May at 49N, with my 130w in the contraption, ran a controlled test in perfect conditions each time (so results are valid), got daily:
Flat- 56AH
Tracking (three moves a day)-90AH
In terms of percentage improvement
-70-56 = 14/56 = 25%
-90-70 = 20/70 = 28%
-90-56 = 34/56 = 61%
Such a test requires a load running all day to soak up the AH. With just battery charging, the afternoon amps drop off so you don't get the "full" AH you could have had.
So best time to do some extra things where timing is optional, is in the afternoon when you can run them "for free" without affecting battery SOC much if any.
This year with my 200w in the swivel contraption and the 130w just tilted South, I can get the same 70AH from the 130w and 200/130 x 90 = 138AH for total of 208AH. A lot of that goes to waste on perfect days with our daily usage being more like 80AH days.
However, most days are with mixed sun/cloud. We can keep up by aiming the 200w at the sun whenever it appears. If it clags right in, we are back to gen/charger in a three or four days. 458AH bank to 50% is 229AH and 229/80 = 2.86 days. So on the fourth day we are a tad below 50% and out comes the gen and the 100amp smart charger. (takes about 2 hrs of gen time to do a 45-85 )