Apr 19, 2018Explorer
Repairing a busted up ac Shroud
Just a tip to keep in mind in case your ac shroud gets damaged by a low hanging branch.
While on a trip we had a collision with a low hanging tree branch.
Busted the shroud into about a dozen pieces. Couldn't locate a replacement anywhere locally but since I had gathered up all the pieces I decided to try to repair it. Luckily the bottom part was only in two parts so the bolt holes were easy to keep aligned.
Never used fiberglass before. Got a fiberglass kit from Wally World for about $20 and started piecing the puzzle together and holding the seams with fiberglass from the inside. Actually found that I was missing a small piece on the top but just covered the hole. Must admit it looked pretty good from the outside after the work was done. Placed it back on the ac the next morning and, unless you were looking closely, you couldn't tell. Had planned to order a new one when we got back home but decided that I would leave it the way it is.
While on a trip we had a collision with a low hanging tree branch.
Busted the shroud into about a dozen pieces. Couldn't locate a replacement anywhere locally but since I had gathered up all the pieces I decided to try to repair it. Luckily the bottom part was only in two parts so the bolt holes were easy to keep aligned.
Never used fiberglass before. Got a fiberglass kit from Wally World for about $20 and started piecing the puzzle together and holding the seams with fiberglass from the inside. Actually found that I was missing a small piece on the top but just covered the hole. Must admit it looked pretty good from the outside after the work was done. Placed it back on the ac the next morning and, unless you were looking closely, you couldn't tell. Had planned to order a new one when we got back home but decided that I would leave it the way it is.