First off, your Batwing is better than any set of rabbit ears. A 1996 antenna isn't all that old.
So start at the beginning, after connecting the antenna coax to the TV, turn on the power switch for the board in the Batwing head, raise and aim the antenna toward the towers, antenna is now ready for the TV. If you do not have a power switch panel, I'd suggest buying a new head and panel.
Turn on the TV and run setup, make sure that you have the INPUT set for antenna, now you will need to run a search for the available stations.
Many new TVs have SSM's(Signal Strength Meter) built in, if yours does, use that to obtain the strongest signal. If not, you just have to turn the antenna to the best direction you can find.
When the channel search is done you should have several stations. If the channel search does not turn up any channels, start with the trouble shooting ideas all ready offered. I would start with a long cable and connect it directly to the antenna and the TV bypassing the OEM wiring in your trailer.
If you truly do not have a panel with a power switch panel for the antenna, I would consider up grading to a new antenna system. If you do have the power up switch and the jump around the trailer coax doesn't help, I'd guess you do need a new head.