I replaced the WFCO converter in our previous travel trailer (now owned by our niece). I opted to use an IOTA 55A with the Q-Smart module. Very clean power, and keeps the battery properly charged without overcharging - a problem with the WFCO.
It took very little modification to make it fit. Disconnected all power, took the panel off, and the WFCO converter was visible at the bottom. A few screws, and it was removed.

With the converter removed:

A quick fit check of the new IOTA charger:

The original converter was hardwired to the breaker. I used a 12 gauge short cord to a female power plug instead. This allows a quick swap of the converter if it ever needs to be replaced again, and eliminates the need to chop the cord on the new converter:

The IQ4 module also fit nicely inside the compartment.

Charger on Amazon:
Iota 55AIQ4 Module on Amazon:
Smart Module.From the manufacturer:
The IQ controller allows the battery charge r to operate as an automatic 3-stage "smart charger". This gives the user the benefit of bulk, absorption, and float stage charging, decreases charge times, insures proper and safe battery charging , and minimizes over-charging. The IQ monitors the battery at all times. If the DLS voltage remains in the long term float stage for more than seven days, the IQ Smart Charger will automatically deliver a boost charge for a predetermined time, then return to the normal float stage. DLS units are also available with the IQ Smart Charger internally installed within the unit. I also use an Iota charger with my home solar setup. It's been in service over a decade, in a hot garage, in central FL. These really are good products.