The PowerMax 75 has power factor correction so it can run on a 15a circuit, which the others don't have, and is needed above about 60amps DC charging or you must go to a 20a circuit. (affects which Honda size will run it too)
PowerMax has a two year warranty, but Randy at bestconverters offers a 3 year on his versions of the standard PowerMax unit which he has modified a little (14.6 instead of 14.4 etc--compare their specs)
No way to answer your main question without knowing how long of a generator time you think is acceptable to do a "50-90" on your size (what?) battery bank. Each converter has its pros and cons depending on your camping lifestyle.
I would choose the 75 PF corrected over the 60 non PF to get more amps with the same 15amp circuit, but you may have other factors to consider, no idea.