I just checked your profile and noticed you have a 2007 Winnebago Voyage. My uncle has a 36' 2007 Voyage on a W24 as well, and he just lost a brake line due to rust. In fact, I've been surprised by all of the underbody rust I see on his rig. Way more than I have on mine, and mine is a couple of years older. I'm wondering if Winnebago overlooked a rustproof/undercoat step on their Voyage line that year. Or perhaps it was a Workhorse issue? I believe his failed brake line was in the vicinity of the mufflers, so the added heat with road salt probably accelerated the problem. But down your neck of the woods, I wouldn't think road salt would be used that much. Is that correct?
I chalked it up to the fact that we're up here in New England and back in the day, they used to make frequent winter trips to Florida, so they likely were exposed to a lot of road salt during their treks south in the winter. But maybe the salt wasn't really the cause.
Anyway, I would very carefully inspect all of the brake lines on the rig. I'd probably recommend that anyone with a 2007 Voyage on a W24 carefully inspect their brakelines for rust as well.
Good Luck,