Whew. Thanks for all the input! This is the most response I've gotten on a question here. :)
@EsoxLucius - thanks for looking at my rig and the specific suggestion. I will go measure the battery storage area one of these days - the RV is stored at my husband's office.
@ed6713 & @Unyalli - thanks for the recommendation/input on RV Solar Connection. I have come across them before in my research, but again - I know enough to know that I don't know everything I should know to adequately assess someone's competence (did anyone follow that?). Hence my searching for some of the well regarded companies I've seen discussed here. I will look into them further...
While I think my boondocking needs are minimal (mentioned above in one of my posts), I'm also interested in assessing the differences in recommended systems between a boondocking setup and something more appropriate to support some mobile office needs. Both DH and I own businesses, so we tend to be tied to checking in and dealing with work even while on vacation. Usually, we just plan stops at RV parks (although we prefer NP camping) to make sure we'll have power and mobile hotspot coverage to take care of things periodically. Again, I'm still leaning toward the constraint of not moving my battery storage, so I suppose that only leaves the option of bigger/more panels to allow faster recharging and additional surplus to support both charging and laptop/monitor usage.
I'm thinking I'll keep doing research until I have time to take the RV up to RV Solar Connection. I can get their input, compare it to what I know/think, and then bring their recommendations to the forum and let you guys have a field day critiquing the plan(s). :)