pianotuna wrote:
There are also some folks here who tend to the less than bright side. The OP had his answers on the first 3 pages. So should the thread come to a halt just because in some one's opinion it is drifting off course? Or should the OP rejoice in extra information that may (or may not) be useful to him?
Just to keep to the original topic. He should DIY, if he can. If he can't he needs to know what he wants before he darkens the door of any installer. If he has acquired that knowledge, then any installation place that is willing to be directed by him, will likely be more than adequate, at about double the price of DIY.
If he doesn't want to bother learning that knowledge, then, he may well go to a reputable installer and get a less than perfect, but working system at about double to triple the price of DIY.
Now the thread can end, since *all* the bases have been covered.
bka0721 wrote:
There are very bright people here and they can come to their own conclusions. :B
Hi Don.
As I become guilty of my own accusation, going/continuing off topic, thank you Don. As you know personally, I am a person that was greatly rewarded by these brainstorming sessions. And advocate that this style continue. It is not my intention to be/become the arbiter of what is relevant or not, but to bring to the discussion; “Is what I am contributing, to the discussion, benefiting the discussion. Or, am I just talking to hear myself talk?”
Sometimes one stands too “close to the flame,” and does not even realize what is happening. So be it. One only needs to return to previous solar threads and see this happening, often. Step away, take a second look at what is being shared. Like you Don, I am a big DIY fan and practitioner and have gained often from these discussions and have implemented knowledge, fulltime. But, just as I lack an economy of words filter I would offer again; “Am I contributing to the discussion or am I the engineer driving this train into the ditch?”
End of thread, who is to say. What would be great would be the OP come back, at a future time, and report what eventually happened.
Not so much a Dodger fan, as a longtime Royals fan . . .but miss the baseball of past generations. :B