JimK-NY wrote:
I cannot help but wonder if people are discussing a residential refrigerator in an RV or something that is used more like a mobile home that is rarely moved.
A residential refrigerator and solar system would be extremely heavy for an RV that is going to be used for thousands or tens of thousands of miles of travel per year. Residential refrigerators are heavy with a moderate sized unit weighting in at roughly 300#. We can argue about the number of solar panels but it seems 6 would be about the minimum. That will add another roughly 300#. The minimum for a battery bank to handle that power would add another 500# or more. The total would be well over 1000# and that is just for the refrigerator and the portion of solar needed to support it. The system is going to have to be much bigger to handle the rest of the electrical needs.
Dometic says Absorption is 60Kg and compressor is 46Kg.
Many people travel the country and beyond without really being off grid overnight. Plenty of posts that the two standard batteries are good for an overnight. So no significant weight.
And if you are mostly off-grid the RV probably already has a couple extra batteries and 400 watts solar. May just need to run the existing generator a bit more.