If you never boondock, a residential refrigerator makes a certain amount of sense. But if you do boondock from time to time, or if you ever take trips that have you on the road all day for several days in a row, especially if you do not have a generator you can run while traveling, then a standard RV gas/electric refrigerator makes more sense.
Making the most sense of all is to keep and use whatever refrigerator you already have as long as it continues to function as designed. It makes almost no sense whatever to replace a good unit with another one just to get the small advantages that unit might secure.
Since you are looking at a new rig, and presumably could specify the type in the build order, it all depends on how you intend to use the unit. And if either boondocking or long trips are in your plans, the gas/electric RV 'fridge makes more sense than the residential electric-only one.