crosscheck wrote:
MrWizard wrote:
i have a residential fridge, and love it
but for the avg RV'r the LP RV fridge is the best option, its the most economical to operate, LP use is minimal, and uses less Battery power
Can you tell us how an absorption fridge uses less energy= more economical than a compressor type?
"economical to operate" needs to be expanded a bit in the explanation.
What I think MrWizard was meaning is the ELECTRICAL consumption of a absorbsion fridge is considerable LESS than a residential fridge when operating on PROPANE for those who are boondocking.
Over all a properly chosen residential fridge will only use 90W-100W of electric compared to a absorbsion fridge at 325W at 120V plus a few watts for 12V.
Absorbsion fridge just simply uses 325W worth of propane instead of electric. Some folk believe that this is easier to deal with for boondocking since they carry 40lbs or more of propane which will last a long time.
I personally have used both and to me hands down the residential fridge is superior for keeping my food at a well regulated safe temperature.
But I will have to qualify that for MY USAGE it works well, I don't boondock for days or weeks. Just simply overnight without power while traveling.
One pair of 6V GC batteries supplies my fridge inverter plus some lighting and will support my furnace overnight. Heavy power users may not be able to get two pairs of GC batts to work for them for 24hrs..