@PT ..my 3 previous class A RVs had LP fridge, i never ran them on electric
I never level the RV to buy groceries or shop kmart or what ever
IF the parking lots had been that far OFF level I doubt they would have much business
this RV came with fridge DOA, repairs did not work, i switched to residential
because I Knew i was going solar and i knew I had room for the batteries and of course had been already been full time for many years
yes we love our fridge, but that does NOt make it the Optimum choice for the avg RV'r
even with solar we run the generator almost every day, always for heavy loads,
the last 2 days we collected 3050.5 watt-hrs total from solar power,
i would never run an absorption fridge on electric EXCEPT in an emg, of NO LP
the electric power use is too heavy, 345w heating element
but that tank of LP burns a long time on that little flame that keeps the fridge cold, 10gal, can easily provide fridge "ONLY" for 30days, thats cheap compared to generator fuel to charge batteries