Hi BFL13,
I know about using two controllers, and that is in the plans. But even doing that I'll wish exceed the 500 watts the Rogue could handle.
Salvo makes a good point. I could convert one bank to 24 volt and use a dc to dc converter. Or a 24 volt inverter. It would take quite a bit of rewiring of my switches to do this, and I'd loose much of the flexibility that is in the design. If I did go 24 volts, however, I could use the Rogue after all.
My inclination is to stay all 12 volt and use a 60 amp controller in addition to the Blue Sky unit.
BFL13 wrote:
PT, I keep saying, you can use two controllers. You can have two separate arrays each with its own controller, to the same or different battery banks. You can put a Y at the battery end of the wires from the one big array and put a controller on each leg of the Y.
The last is trickier since you don't know for sure how many amps are on each leg, but the total amps comes out the same.
However you do it, you don't need one controller that has enough capacity for the one big array where that one controller costs kabillions and the two smaller ones are cheap---especially if you already have one of them!