Currently 556 amp-hours of surplus acid AGM. In the possible future is switching to LI.
The intent is to be able to run the roof air while drawing some energy from the battery bank. In the fall I'll want to use the power to run resistance heating.
Length 28' 5", 8.7 m
Height 9' 8", 2.9 m (doesn't include roof air ???)
Width 8' 4", 2.5 m
Wheel base 176”, 14.6', 447 cm 4.47 m
Unfortunate the width prevents me from hanging panels off the sides--I'd be over the legal limit.
corvettekent wrote:
That is a lot of solar, what are you using for a battery bank?
I don't know how tall your RV is but I would keep the panels less than 13' off the ground or 3" - 4" above the AC.