It is not so simple. My Kill-A-Watt readings on a PF corrected 100 amp PowerMax being run from a Honda 3000 with unloaded voltage of 126.8v:
122.7v, 15.57a (I was lucky not to fry the KaW limit of 15a) 1854w
But was 1910VA, and PF 0.97
In contrast the non-PF corrected 75 amper(their ad is wrong about the 75's PF correction--it isn't) was:
123.8v, 13.64a, 1241W, 1693VA, and 0.73PF. (Note the higher "loaded voltage" from the 100 amper's)
BTW their efficiencies comparing input and output (work not shown) was low 80s for the 100 and high 80s for the 75, leading one to suspect there is a trade off in efficiency to obtain the PF correction.
When on generator VA, obviously you want the lower VA and hang the efficiency percentage.
On starting in-rush-- that may be what happens with the Honda gen when starting cold and not given time for the engine to warm up a bit.
I have had it conk out with the 100 amper loaded too soon. Trick is to leave the Honda in "Eco-off" and let it run for a minute, then connect the 100 amper. Now it won't conk out and you can then turn Eco on. That is with the 3000w, good for 2800VA and the 100amper wants 1910VA when running.