So lack of DC motor/compressor availability is the handicap. Inverter conversion is awful. So is AC motor energy waste. I haven't perused information for DC compressors. It would take Chinese or Indian manufacturing cost efficiency to make the dream accessible.
All RV/Marine compressor fridges are DC, with AC sometimes added as an optional upgrade. Mostly Danfoss compressors, German brand but not sure where they make it now. Mostly for built-in applications, though there are few upright models as well. Mostly under 10 cu.ft. though most LP fridges in trailers and 5-ers are smaller than 10 cu.ft. too. Check Novakool, Steka, Isotherm, Sandanzer. Expensive, but from what I hear, the best Chinese knockoffs (mostly existing in portable DC fridges) are inferior in quality.
As a side note, it's funny to hear about Chinese and Indian manufacturing cost efficiency. People are working for $2/hour, conditions are terrible and environment protection is zero. Have no doubt, we are all paying for this.