BB_TX wrote:
You need to verify that ground at the pedastal is good. Then verify that ground is good all the way from the pedastal thru your power cord and to the RV frame. If you have good ground connection from the frame to a good solid ground at the pedastal and the pedastal ground is confirmed good, you should not have hot skin.
If it comes and goes you may have a loose/bad ground connection somewhere.
Should I go so far as to interpret your post as saying the blown GFCI, unenergized, was not screwing up the ground at the pedestal?
Are you thinking I may not actually have the hot skin resolved?
The tests I did with the multimeter involved going around the diamond and testing ground to neutral. I got zero for the latter, and ~120V for each of the ground to X/Y. I was also able to show 245-250 between the hots, but I had a little trouble getting my smallish probes to get metal on the hots.