Yesterday, I reintroduced the open ground in a controlled manner and conducted more than 47 tests with different configurations. I found about 56V on the frame when the main breaker and circuit breakers were on. When the main/circuit breakers were off, voltage on the frame was 19V.
Today I confirmed the EMS is faulty, as is the inverter. This was done through a series of tests and in coordination with the inverter's distributor. They have both been removed from my electrical system. The original service feed has been tied back into the distribution center.
Tonight I reintroduced the open ground and took voltage readings from the frame (BTW, I'm using the nearby water pipe as the ground). With the main breaker in the distribution center off, voltage was 3V. The voltage went up to 24V when the main breaker in the distribution center was turned on.
Because the EMS and inverter are out of the picture, I figure the first source of leakage has to be in the service feed, or in the distribution center. The latter makes sense to be because of the variations that occur when individual breakers are turned off.
I'm trying to figure out to test next. One thought is that I could remove from the RV's frame the bare ground wire coming from the distribution center. Then I'd take voltage reading on that wire to determine if anything is coming from the distribution center. Am I correct?
How can I test the distribution center? All the breakers seem solid.