There are two folks at the Solar Talk Panel that post several times each day that would rather be snarky and dissemble than be informative. They would rather take someone to task than answer the question. JiminDenver commented on this a few pages back “…Solar panel talk is is worth checking daily just to see what poor newby sunking will be ripping a new one. I don't care what gear you have when you go in there, you are just wrong. lol.."
Some poor guy asked some legitimate questions and all these two snark-masters (aka very small frogs in a very small pond)could do was to take him to task over his grammar, wording, aptness of thought, general state of stupidity etc. They never made any real attempt to answer his questions other than he "was just wrong" I scarcely think this is required in any forum and should hope that moderators would council such activity; unfortunately, both of these folks are moderators.