Lantley wrote:
wopachop wrote:
Lantley wrote:
My biggest worry will be making sure the cooler is cold, the grill is hot and the firewood is dry. :B
That sounds nice.
Another time i find the cameras useful is when i do a grocery stop. Usually park my truck and trailer far away in the parking lot. With lots of items that could easily be stolen out the pickup bed. I have my cell phone in my pocket. If it buzzes and i look and see there is a person standing next to my trailer i will drop everything and run outside. Hopefully scaring them away and not getting beat up myself.
I do not want to live like that. I do not want to be in a constant stage of monitoring and notifications.
Alright but i would like to point out you are at home im guessing. Monitoring this thread. Replying when it notifies you of new messages.