I have seen high voltage, over 132 volts, or should I say my EMS did at 3:00am and it shut me down. While I have had many issues in old campgrounds as others have stated, this high voltage problem was at my home base site. My site is in a residential area and I am the only RV with s&b around me. It seems the power company transformer that serves my neighborhood was failing as determined by the lineman that responded to my phone call. None of my neighbors even knew it, but my next door neighbor did tell me he had most of the incandescent light bulbs in his house burn out suddenly. I simply turned off my main breaker and enjoyed my self contained RV until the problem was fixed. It can happen anywhere and I absolutely will not plug my RV into any outlet regardless of the location without my EMS. I will let others roll the dice.
I have seen my share of low voltage, open neutral, open ground, etc. in campgrounds also. Also shut off from my RV by my EMS.