Mex, this is a tough crowd to help.
If you use a standard Philips or Robertson screw driver on the screw in the picture, the head will be damaged. It is not a screw that is meant to be used with different drivers.A damaged head is usually a sign that someone, who did not know what the screw was, tried to use a Philips or a Robertson on it.
This type of screw is named Pozidrive, and uses a Pozidrive screwdriver (of course). The Philips screw driver is tapered to a point, while the blade edges on a Pozidrive are parallel to each other. The result is greater torque.
You can recognize the Pozidrive by the X in between the slots where the driver fits. If + is where the driver goes, the X in between shows that it is Pozidrive.
Your link is good for drivers. They are not commonly available. There are bits that will fit into
Pozidrive bits and drivers are usually identified as PZ1 and PZ2.
Your link shows the drivers, which are not commonly available. There are also interchangeable bits for power drivers.
Thanks for trying to help, in spite of the smart cracks.